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My heart is so heavy tonight. We had to take our little dog to the vet and have him put to sleep. Moriah held him close to her heart as he passed which is what he would have wanted.

My eyes ache from crying but time will pass. Was really hard coming home tonight and not having him greet us. He was always excited to finally have us home with him after work. Moriah picked up his things and put them into a box and I just stood there and cried.

It seems so final, which it is. Remember as a kid if something didn't go right you could do a "take back"? Well, there is no take back with death. We loved him dearly, even if he was a mean little s_ _ t! lolol But he will be missed.

Even in death, there is always something that will give us a smile and/or a quiet laugh whenever we think of something he did. And at other times we will also remember just what a mean little s_ _t he really was!!! lol When we got him his name was Koko...within the first week he sported a new name of Cujo. And a Cujo he was and a Cujo he remained. We grew to love him and at some point we realized he had won a place in our hearts. He was loved only by the 2 of us as no one else could tolerate him. And he passed with only the 2 of us loving him.

We have a lot tears for him and when we got home, we got our little chuckle. We had ordered his urn online and it came today while at work. After work Moriah picked him up and met me at the vet. Going home, knowing he wasn't going to be there, was hard. Walking up the stairs was even harder cuz he wasn't there to greet us.

Getting the package with his urn was priceless!

His plaque read: Cujo-You were the meanest dog we have ever known and we loved you anyway.

Thanks to all for taking the time to read Cujo's obituary.

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