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This memorial website was created to celebrate the life and preserve our recollections of Dottie Dillard. Please join us in keeping Dottie Dillard's memory alive by sharing your favorite stories, photos and memorable moments from the life of Dottie Dillard. Your contribution will be a fitting tribute, as well as a gift to all who knew and loved Dottie Dillard.

Dottie Dillard will be greatly missed but always alive in our hearts.

On February 3, 2012, we made the heartbreaking decision to put Dottie down. She was getting to be so aggressive to the other dogs, we felt we had no other choice. I feel that pets share our lives, and I preferred to put her down than to condemn her to living by herself in a confined part of the yard always yearning to be with us. She was about 9 years old.

I am truly sorry Dottie. I loved you as evidenced by the conflict I feel now. I hope that you are finally at peace, and that somehow I find peace in the decision I had to make to let you go. Find Lola and play in the "Circle of Doom" until I see you, Lola, Cookie, and the others that will surely precede me.

Hey Dottie...
I go to your resting spot ever so often just to check on you. I do miss you. Even though you caused trouble, you were part of the family. I wish it could be different. In a way, you left too soon, but easy. Cookie had cancer, so I'm sure that was painful. Lola wasn't well the last month it seems, so she must have been in pain. It doesn't make me feel better for having to let you go the way I did, but at least it is a better ending than most get. I look at the trails around the yard, knowing that you were part of them, and I miss you. I look at the empty food bowls, and know that one was yours. I hope you find peace. I will see you and the gang again one day.

Hey Dottie,
I feel so damn guilty about you. You weren't sick like Cookie. You didn't just pass away unexpectedly like Lola. We decided to put you down, and all because of your temperament. I truly wish it could've been different. I miss you. You were a good watch dog, and a friend to Lola. I hope you are at peace wherever you are.

Hey Dottie...
I was erecting a kennel not far from your resting place, and it set me to thinking about you; not that I don't. I think of you, Lola, and Cookie often. You guys along with Lady were the fab 4. One day soon, Lady will be leaving me to join you guys. I know you never got along with her in this life, but I hope you will get a long with her when she joins you later. It won't be long now. She has fewer days ahead than behind. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I did and do have affection for you, and the decision we made for your fate was a tough one that I struggle with even now. Rest peacefully Dot.

Hey Dottie...
I'm sorry for the way things ended with you. I guess I thought I was making it easier on you. If I'd sent you away, you would have been miserable, wondering what happened to your world. If it's any consolation, I feel tremendous guilt. I did and do love you, and I miss you. You had a unique personality of your own. I hope the Lord will reunite us one day. For now, run, jump, and play around the Rainbow Bridge with Lola and Cookie. Merry Christmas.

Hey Dot...
I hope you are resting well. I'm sorry. Perhaps one day I will forgive myself for you. I did and do love you and miss you. Happy New Year. Play with Cookie & Lola.

Hey Dot...
I miss you. I look at a picture of you, and you are a sight for sore eyes.
I still have a scar where you bit me while fighting with Lady. She'll be joining you, Cookie, and Lola soon. She is so old and arthritic. Try and get along with her wherever you are.


Hey Dot,

I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I miss you and your antics. I hope you are okay wherever you are. I wish I were. My heart will always ache for the furry children I have lost.


Hey Dot,
Thinking of you.
Love you,

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