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I have come to the realization that it’s not “The hand that rocks the cradle that rules the world”; it’s what’s in the cradle.....

Although the lights in the house on 64 Court ..St... are out and the innocent laughter has been silenced, it is still a home that I miss very much. Even in its irreparable state our perception of home is even more apparent. We played, we laughed, we cried, we dreamed, did homework and made cupcakes. What was contained behind these now burned, barren walls was a family, is a family; my Family...Kaylee’s family. The laughter and love of “home” should not be a distant memory, as it now seems. It can never be how it was b/f ..2/2/09... But with all my heart, I must go forward with the strength and hope, creating a life that only Kaylee can inspire. We, as her family, are her only voice; for Kaylee we must speak up and speak out.....

We have a very long, hard journey to embark, as we fight for change…for our Kaylee. It is imperative that I let this world know that this beautiful 12 y/o child did not die in vain, and that her voice is ever present. It is my job to move forward, in her name, and make her dreams of a better, safer world become a reality. Her impact, thus far, has been astounding. This little girl has turned an entire community, an entire town into a “family”. And it is for this “family” that I am fighting. My goal is to bring this “fight” beyond the boundaries of Freehold Borough because Kaylee’s love has no boundaries.....

We need support from every community, every person, and every “family”, to aid our mission. Through this horrible tragedy, we will make miracles happen…change much needed, but we cannot do it alone. We need your prayers as well your financial support.....

Kaylee fought for her life in that fire, alone and afraid. She fought with the belief that there is always hope until the last breath, and it is until our last breath that we will fight for your families.....

Kaylee’s death was unnecessary. It was preventable. It was not the fire at 64 Court ..St... that ended her life; it was negligence and disregard, lack of education, a failed system. She died b/c nobody believed me, her screaming mother. Screaming that my precious child was still in that house. The FBFD fought a fire….. Not FOR Kaylee’s life. To save her life all that was needed in the first 15 minutes was a fireman with a ladder. All they needed to do was LISTEN to her family and neighbors, as we screamed for her life. As parents, we have to realize that there are just some things we cannot do, and we courageously and carefully put the lives of our children in the hands of people that we think are more qualified, skilled and trained to handle the situations we cannot. They should look at these children with the eyes of a mother. They should treasure and protect them, as we do My goal is not to personally attack any individual or any "body" of people. Our goal is to protect your family, our community, and the lives of your children. We have to show the world that when a mother speaks, you should LISTEN. Listen, believe, act!! 15 children have lost their lives in house fires in the local area, as told to us by the FBFD. Kaylee was #16. I will fight with every ounce of my being to make sure that 16 is where it ends. There will NEVER be a “#17”. We have to show that it’s not “The hand that rock’s the cradle that rules the world”; it’s what’s in that cradle. It’s our responsibility to make sure there is never a #17, now that the statistics have been unveiled. Our children... your children are our world, our future, our hope, our light in this ever changing dark, dark world. Kaylee left us all with her unconditional love. This love is our inspiration and for her we must give some back. This love gives her a presence. This love gives her a voice...This love is the only thing that even fire cannot touch.....

.. ..I love you, my sweet angel...Forever my life....Mommy..

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