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Patrick was very special to me and to everyone he met. His love of food, sports, and animals were just a few of the things that I really enjoyed about him. He had a nickname and advice for everyone that he held dear. Some of his words of wisdom were: "If you look good, you feel good." "If you keep running into jerks all day, then who is the real jerk?" And signing off, I know he is saying "This is it."

The Kurowskis and our family were destined to be family from the start. We have many, many connections: Michal was my 4th grade teacher, Pat moved our family when I was 11 years old, and we attended the same church. When I was 15, I knew Pat from hanging out at the Pearl Street Mall and introduced him to my mom one afternoon. Little did I know that they would be on a date within a week of the introduction and he would end up being the best dad I could have ever asked for. Pat worked very hard to parent my sisters and I, he was always there for us, and he tried hard to guide us into making good decisions. No matter the problem we faced, he always offered his support, and I think we all came to appreciate him as the wonderful spirit that he is. One thing Pat has always been amazing at is living life according to his own standards. For better or worse, he always made his decisions based on his own counsel. I admire him for choosing his own path in life and being the person he wanted to be. He is dearly missed and will be warmly remembered.

If you send me your email at I will send you an invite to become a contributor. Follow the instructions then you will be able to post on here. You can still just send me an email of what you want posted and I will post it :-). Sorry for all the hassles. Thanks again for all the tributes and love for uncle dude PK!

As you may know, Pat and I grew up on the same block, born a month apart. He is my oldest and closet friend from childhood. Pat was a big boy with a big heart and was excruciatingly, cripplingly, funny. He grew to be a bit self-destructive but I will always remember us as best of buddies in those golden years, 10-18, when life was one big laugh-fest. Pat came to SF with a trucking partner, probably in the early 90's, and I was able to introduce him to my Nancy. She had heard so many of my stories about Pat and I'm sure she was dubious of their authenticity. After one evening with Patrick, she was a believer. The years melted away and we were joyous kids for those moments. Unforgettable. I am so grateful that you invited me to spend time together with Pat in Arizona. He was getting run down, but he was still Patrick. I deeply miss the thought of having Pat on earth. I cried the night away after speaking to Mike, and I hope she can find some comfort in knowing that I hold her brother as partner in my life and will never forget him. God bless Patrick. My world is shrunken without Pat in it. Love you Greg

Patrick, Pat, P.K., made the "mistake" of telling me, about 15 years ago, how he couldn't pronounce his last name when he first went to school & it came out "Klocki". Of course, after that, my endearing name for him was, of course, Klocki. I met Pat "way back when" in high school. We were "an item" for a couple of years during & after high school, but we went our separate ways. That doesn't mean that we lost touch, though. I will always love my dear "Klocki" & he will always have a very special place in my heart. I will never forget that Santa twinkle in his eyes. Until we meet again, dear one. evette babich

Pat, rest in peace.  Sorry I missed your celebration; you know I would have been there had I known.  It was a pleasure knowing and working with you. John

We are working on figuring out how you can share photos and memories. For right now you can email me at and I will post them for you! Sorry for the inconvenience.


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