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This memorial website was created to celebrate the life and preserve our recollections of Gizmo.

Gizmo was born sometime in May of 2004 and left us on September 12, 2007 at the age of 3. A friend of mine found him, injured, in Gray, TN, took him in, had him vetted and basically saved his life. But since they are gone from home a lot, and already had a small dog on their tour bus, they couldn't keep him, even though they'd fallen in love with him. So their teenage son told her to call me, that he knew I'd give him a good home and they could see him sometimes......of course I said yes!

To yet, I don't know why he died, I just found him one morning right where he was when I went to bed the night before.....too young, way too young. His cat page on TCS is here

Gizmo will be greatly missed but always alive in our hearts.

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