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This memorial website was created to celebrate the life and preserve our recollections of June Gato. Please join us in keeping June's memory alive by sharing your favorite stories, photos and memorable moments from her life. Your contribution will be a fitting tribute, as well as a gift to all who knew and loved June.

June Ann Gato (Lewis) was born on July 13, 1933 and left us on February 15, 2009 at the age of 75. She had two children, a son, James Gato and a daughter, Janice Pysh. She had five wonderful grandchildren, John Gato, Sean Gato, Aaron Gato, Lauren Pysh and Hannah Pysh and one great grandson, Jaden Gato. She is also survived by a brother, William Lewis of Wheatfield, Indiana. Her brother, Bernie, passed away several years ago.

She was a resident of Friendship Ridge in Beaver, Pennsylvania, where she enjoyed the company of staff and friends. She was active in the many happenings at Friendship Ridge and was well known. She was quite proud of her appearance in the commercial that was filmed at the facility by Comcast.

June will be greatly missed by her family but will always live on in our hearts.

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